membership application notes

Paddle UK/British Canoeing Qualifications and River Licences
If you are not a member of Paddle UK/BC it is recommended that consideration be given to joining as membership automatically includes third party liability insurance for all of your canoeing activities, both at the club and elsewhere. Paddle UK/BC membership also entitles the use of member's boats on the River Medway and many other inland waterways. If you are storing a private boat in the clubhouse you must purchase an Environment Agency (EA) boat licence for it if you are not a Paddle UK/BC member. The club cannot purchase the licence on your behalf, you must buy it direct from the EA. It is also recommended that insurance is arranged for equipment stored in the clubhouse as the club is unable to accept any responsibility for privately owned equipment. The Club insurance only covers equipment owned by the Club.

Use of your personal data
Tonbridge Canoe Club (the Club) takes your privacy seriously. We will only use your data to administer your membership and keep you informed about club activities.

How your data will be used
When you become a member, or renew your membership, you agree to the use of your personal data collected in this membership form for the administration of your membership, and for us contacting you with club notices relevant to your membership and club activities, and notices about Annual/Special General Meetings. We will only retain your data for as long as we need to administer your membership. If you have provided an email address, the Club will use this to contact you. Please remember to notify the Membership Secretary if your email address changes. If you have not provided an email address, the club will send notices of Annual/Special General Meetings and membership forms to your postal address. However, you will not receive the Club newsletter or communications about other club activities.

Sharing your data with Paddle UK/British Canoeing
If you are not already a Paddle UK/British Canoeing member, the Club will share your details with Paddle UK/British Canoeing in order to provide third party liability insurance for your club activities. Paddle UK/British Canoeing will provide you with access to an online portal to administer your details. You will be invited to sign in to the Membership portal and update your details. Amongst other things, the portal allows you to sign up to the Paddle UK/British Canoeing member newsletter if desired, and also update your privacy settings. You can also request that your account is deleted. The Club may in the future decide to use the Paddle UK/British Canoeing central membership system for all club members details, whether they are Paddle UK/British Canoeing members themselves or not. If that decision is taken a separate communication will be sent to members explaining any changes this may require in their data permissions. If you have any questions about the continuing privacy of your personal data when it is shared with Paddle UK/British Canoeing, please contact the membership secretary.

Data Privacy Policy
For more information about how we process your information please refer to our full Data Privacy Policy which is available on the Club website under the Membership tab at

Club Newsletter
The club newsletter is distributed periodically by email via Mailchimp. The Club will share your details with Mailchimp in order to provide the club newsletter, however we only disclose the personal data that is necessary for Mailchimp to deliver the service. Please note - if you opt out of the email newsletter circulation you will not receive any other communications about forthcoming club activities. There is no alternative distribution method.

Other communications
From time to time the Club may want to circulate information to members about specific club activities. If you opt in to any such communications your choices will be held by the Membership Secretary and shared with the activity organisers. You can opt out or change your preferences at any time by request to the Membership Secretary.

The club occasionally takes photos and videos of its members, which are used to promote the Club and its activities. These may be used on the club website, local press, Paddle UK/British Canoeing publications etc. Clearly if you do not wish to be included in any photographs of club activities, and therefore do not tick the permission box it would be helpful if you could also avoid, where possible, being included in such photos. Please note - we will only publish photographs which include children under 16 if specific permission has been obtained from parents for the use of that particular photograph.

The Club has a CCTV system for security purposes. Cameras are located indoors in the social room, and outside on the ends of the boatstore buildings. Images are only accessible by nominated committee members, and are stored for no more than 90 days, at which point they are automatically deleted.

Social Media
There is a Tonbridge Canoe Club group page on Facebook, which was set up by individual club members to share news, information and other items of interest. Please note that this page is not an official means of club communication, the content is not controlled by the Club, and is not therefore covered by the Club Data Privacy Policy.

Event entry
We may, if you have chosen to take part in canoeing events, share your information with the event organisers in order to facilitate your entry. We will only use personal data relevant for administering the event entry with the event organiser.

Adult members agree to abide by the rules and regulations as set out or referred to in the rules and constitution of the club. Parents/guardians of junior members undertake to indemnify the club and its officers against any claim in respect of those junior members as set out in the parental consent letter received from the club and agree to abide by the rules and regulations as set out or referred to in the rules and constitution of the club. It is understood and accepted that the club operates a mixed age group changing room policy.