river status
Current river status: GREEN
flow rate for the last 5 days
90  _
80  _
70  _
60  _
50  _
40  _
30  _
20  _
10  _
_  9.0
_  8.0
_  7.0
_  6.0
_  5.0
_  4.0
_  3.0
_  2.0
_  1.0
_  0
LATEST FLOW: 5.2 m3/sec
- still water or light flow.

latest update: 15/02/2025 at 21:30
The river status shown above is based on flow rate and river level data made available by the Environment Agency and measured at the Lucifer Bridge gauging station. The flow rate will normally be used to determine the status but if the river has been lowered the river level may may be used instead. The river status is provided for information only and makes the following assumptions:
  •     (still water/slight flow)      -  max flow of 15m3/s
  •        -  max flow of 20m3/s
  •   (medium/fast flow)    -  max flow of 30m3/s
  •        -  max flow of 40m3/s
  • RED
  •   (fast/very fast flow)    -  max flow of 50m3/s
  •        -  max flow of 60m3/s
  •   (extreme flow/serious flood)    -  all flow rates above 60m3/s
    • A river level of 1.5 to 2.5 metres is within the normal range.
    • When the river level rises above 2.5m indicating strong flow conditions it becomes increasingly difficult if not impossible to pass safely under Lucifer Bridge.
    • A river level of about 1.5m or less suggests possible river lowering and a river status of AMBER is set. The river level measure becomes increasingle unreliable as it drops and the actual level at the club may be down by 2 metres or more. Some stretches of the river become extremely shallow with exposed rocks and debris, the flow in those areas may also be strong. Paddle with caution.
    • When the river has been lowered by the EA the sluice at town lock will be pinned open and, in the event of heavy rainfall, conditions can change rapidly - the flow may be dangerously fast even if the river level appears low or normal. Any indicated river status may not reflect the actual conditions. Use extreme caution.
    Any other prevailing river condition e.g. strong wind, ice, blue/green algae, inadequate bridge clearance etc. could influence the river status adversely.
    The current river status is subject to confirmation/amendment by competent and experienced people who are on-site and can take into account all prevailing conditions and will be clearly marked on the white board next to the social room door during standard club sessions. If no current RAG marking is displayed then you must use your own judgement when deciding whether it is safe for you to paddle.
    Disclaimer: this facility uses Environment Agency flood and river level data from the real-time data API (Beta). The club cannot verify or guarantee the accuracy/reliability of these data.